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Testimonial from Brittany Ratelle

2 weeks to trademarks Apr 12, 2020

"I purchased both of Sonia's courses and got to have a bonus coaching call as part of them. The call was very helpful to me because like many other trademark attorneys -- I'm a solo -- and I'm trying to practice law in a very different way from many other colleagues. It was great to hear her reassurances about the path I was on -- the target market I was serving -- and for her to give me some practical tips for qualifying clients so that my time is efficiently spent. She gave me some good feedback about my pricing and she helped shed some light on a sticky filing that had been bugging me. I would highly recommend any of Sonia's classes and if you have the chance to have some of her valuable time -- take it! Cherish it! And then go onward and upward from there! I have quadrupled my filings since taking her course AND have really drilled down the educating piece of my practice. Three cheers for Sonia!"


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